
Investment programs, concepts, feasibility studies
Comprehensive design documentation with complete permits
Project management and technical supervision contractor
Expertise, technical consulting

Our projects

Seaports, terminals and shipyards

10 000 hydrotechnical projects 

The biggest projects in the sea area:

- Expansion of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście

- Project of the Vistula Spit Canal

- Concept of the Central Port in Gdańsk 

Offshore wind farms

12 projects

Works in the field of:

- Design basis

- Permit analyses

- Construction projects with the necessary permits

Military facilities

350 military projects

- A hangar with an office section for the border guard in Rębiechowo

- Reconstruction of the Drawsko Pomorskie training ground 

- Police barracks in Lublin

Cubature, industry, public utilities

5000 projects implemented

- Aparthotel complex with over 420 apartments, Świnoujście

- Zoeller Tech production plant expansion project, Rekowo Górne

- Reconstruction and extension of the Światowid cinema building into the PRL Museum, Kraków

General contractor of the investment services

100 projects supervised

- Modernisation in the inner port, Gdańsk

- Construction of the RENK Pomeranian Wholesale Centre, Gdańsk

- Terminal for transhipment and storage of chemical products – Bałtycka Baza Masowa, Gdynia